Child custody issues can be some of the most difficult to settle during a divorce. It is critical that you understand the way that courtrooms and professionals approach these matters. In all situations, the court will attempt to protect the best interests of any children involved. Custody is a complex matter, and you could be awarded full, joint, or partial custody. Physical custody of a child determines which parent or parents the child will live with. Legal custody gives parents the ability to make legal decisions for the child, including matters regarding education, health, religion, and more.
If you are attempting to win custody of your child, it is important that all your best interests are properly represented. With a skilled lawyer at your side, you can proceed with confidence.
Contact our Lakewood child custody lawyer for help creating the right parenting plan for your unique situation.
Determining Child Custody
Because determining child custody is such an important matter, there are several factors that influence in the decision. Courts will attempt to preserve as much normalcy and familiarity in the child’s life as possible, and pay careful attention to creating a situation that will help the child thrive.
We do NOT charge by the hour.

Effective parenting plans ensure that your children are receiving the appropriate parenting from both of the parents. These plans can dramatically reduce the stress of the children, as well as the parents involved. These parenting plans address the important factors that contribute to your particular family’s needs. We’re here to help.
Our mission is to secure the best case results in the timeliest and most cost-effective manner possible. We will help you shape our goals and ensure your goals are reasonable. Additionally, we will aggressively pursue your goals and keep you well-informed of significant developments in your case every step of the way. We will utilize cutting-edge technology in order to develop the strength of your position in settlement negotiations.
Some Factors That Influence Child Custody Decisions Include:
- The physical and psychological health of both parents and the child.
- Any special needs in the child.
- Which situation will allow the child to stay at the same school.
- The child's relationships with other family members and either parent.
- The child's preference, if they are old enough.
- The income of each parent.
- Which situation will allow the child to keep living in the same place.
- The ability of each parent to care for the child physically and emotionally.
- If there is any history of substance abuse in either parent.
We Strive to Resolve High-Conflict Cases
Disputes over child custody are the source of many arguments and disputes between parents. This is because each parent has his or her own idea regarding their rights and responsibilities to the child. In Washington State, a court order will outline these responsibilities in a Parenting Plan. Our Lakewood child custody attorney can offer guidance during this phase of the custody process to ensure everything serves in the child’s best interests.
Attorney Kevin G. Byrd understands that many people make draw a fairly rigid line between the parent who has custody and the one who does not. This distinction creates the perception that one parent has more rights than the other. However, we know that this is not always true. We assure you that each parent, custodial or non-custodial, is afforded the same responsibilities and rights to care for the well-being and health of their child. That is why he works so diligently to represent parents who might be at odds over how best to resolve this matter.